About KLD

Hey Everybody my name is Andrew Pinkham and welcome to my new KLD webpage. I know I have been gone for a very long time. And there are a laundry list of excuses why I have been gone so long but none of those really matter. What really matters is we are back covering Supergirl. And now that the TV show has ended and the supergirl podcast fad/craze has died off with the tv show. I think it was the perfect opportunity for me to start talking about Supergirl again and make her character relevant.

Kryptons last daughter is a bi weekly program looking at the character of supergirl starting with her journey in the silver age with her first appearance in Superman # 123.

We also will be featuring another show called Supergirl Goes Hollywood. Which looks at her appearances on tv and film starting with the 1984 film Supergirl and going to whats being put out there in all forms of media.

Feel free to tell us what you think of the show leaving us a comment here on the website, going to our facebook page at facebook.com/supergirlpodcast and leaving your thoughts over there. You can follow us on twitter and send us a tweet or a dm @kldpodcast and last but certainly not least. You can write and email and if you have listened to my show at all you know I love receiving email at supergirlpodcast@gmail.com we welcome all feedback good bad or ugly.